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Galliagh Nursery School, Galliagh, Derry
APPLICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER2025 REMINDER!!! ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO APPLY FOR A PLACE FOR SEPTEMBER 2025. Applications close at 12 noon on Friday 24th January. If you require any information or assistance please contact the school via email or on the telephone: 02871 353612
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Local Sporting Stars

13th Mar 2024

Two local sports stars have joined together to raise much needed funds for our school. Derry City footballer, Michael Duffy and Professional Boxer, Conor 'The Kid' Coyle have donated signed memorabilia to be raffled by the school. Conor's boxing glove from his NBA 2018 title fight and a Derry City Shirt signed by all the team are up for grabs as the top prizes in our Easter draw.

Thank you to both men for their support.

To purchase tickets, please contact the school on 02871 353612