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Galliagh Nursery School, Galliagh, Derry
Open Day for September 2025 Applications: Our open day will be held on Tuesday 7th January 2025 - 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm. We look forward to welcoming everyone to Galliagh Nursery School! 
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PSE Development


This Area of Learning is of the utmost importance for young children in all aspects of their lives. It is about children’s emotional well-being, understanding of who they are, and respect for others and their environment. It is also about forming and sustaining relationships, beginning to understand emotions, learning how to self-regulate, and developing positive dispositions to learn. Good personal, social and emotional development gives children the best opportunity for success in other Areas of Learning.

Children will be learning to:

  • follow simple routines such as participating in tidying up and snack time
  • become independent in self-help and personal hygiene routines
  • enjoy the company of other children
  • make choices and organise their own play
  • play co-operatively and share resources
  • express his / her own feelings and emotions
  • become aware of the needs and feelings of others
  • persevere with a task